Monday, March 7, 2011

My knowledge behind Endocrinologist

Diabetic Monitor . N.d. . N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2011.
I do not know much about Endocrinologist, but i do know some things about their job. Endocrinologist deal with many different problems, one problem they deal with is diabetes. They teach patients how to take care of themselves, what medicine to use at certain times of the day, what they can and cannot eat and they assure them that they can still have a wonderful life. These doctors bond with their patients and help them through the tough times throughout their life. When a Endocrinologist is not available to someone who was just diagnosed with diabetes they can possibly go into a coma or die. If you eat the right foods and stay on top of your diagnoses then everything will be so much easier for you. Now when i say Endocrinologist i am referring to a type 1 Pediatric Endocrinologist. 

1 comment:

  1. Sarah,I like this topic because there are now more people in this world with diabetes. Unfortunatly, the numbers have increased and more children are being diagnosed with this illness.I also like this topic just because my family has a history of diabetes and i think Endocrinologists could have a positve outcome in our commmunity.
